民营公司 50-150人 专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会) 学术/科研
民营公司 50-150人 专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会) 学术/科研
上海盛知华知识产权服务有限公司是在中国科学院上海生命科学研究院知识产权与技术转移中心的基础上组建,专业从事高新技术领域知识产权管理与技术成果转移的服务和咨询机构。与其他知识产权服务或专利代理公司不同的是,我公司的核心优势和独特模式在于发明和专利的早期培育和全过程管理,以提高专利的保护质量和商业价值为重心,在此基础上进行商业化的推广营销和许可转让,在许可转让价格和合同谈判时充分保护专利和技术拥有人的利益和规避潜在风险,由此在上述各个环节上为专利拥有人提供高质量的增值服务,极大地提高专利的价值,并使得该价值在市场中得以实现。中科院上海生科院知识产权与技术转移中心以实际业绩证明了这个运营模式的优势,自2007年成立以来,上海生科院已与国内外领先企业达成了多宗技术转移合作交易,合同金额已达约上亿美元。 盛知华名称蕴含“兴盛知识产权与科技产业,昌盛中华”之意。盛知华公司成立的目的是通过市场化的运作,把中科院上海生科院已经建立成功的,并在国内居于领先地位的知识产权和技术转移工作体系及模式在更大范围向科研机构、高等院校及创新型企业进行推广,以国际化的眼光和专业水准提升我国知识产权产生、管理和运用的水平,使我国的知识产权能够为国家和社会真正创造巨大的价值。 上海盛知华知识产权服务有限公司由具有国际、国内丰富实战经验的知识产权与技术转移专家领军,旗下的项目经理团队包括了科技领域的博士生导师、国内外名校博士等精英人士,公司将为新加入的优秀人才提供全面的培训和大量的实践机会。基于前瞻性的定位,雄厚的背景实力以及团队优秀的历史业绩,盛知华公司成立伊始即已经承接中科院上海生命科学研究院、中科院上海巴斯德所及北京大学等多家国内知名研究所、高校的知识产权管理及技术转移转化服务。为适应公司业务发展,并为我国培养造就急需的知识产权专业人才,现诚聘有志于知识产权管理及科技成果转化的各方优秀人才的加盟。 Sinoipro IP Management and Technology Transfer Co. Ltd. is a professional intellectual property management and technology transfer service and consulting company. We are not a patent agency and what distinguish us from a traditional patent law firm are our unique value-added business model and our core competencies of improving and materializing the commercial value of an invention. By cultivating an invention at early stages and managing the quality of the patent application and prosecution processes, we can expand the claim scope of the patent application, control the work quality of patent law firms, and dramatically improve the patent quality and its commercial value. We then find suitable licensees through careful targeted marketing, negotiate fair licensing deals for the patent owner through proper IP valuation process, and protect the interest of and reduce licensing risks for the patent owner during license contract negotiation. By adding value at each step of the invention commercialization process from invention disclosure to receiving licensing revenue, we help technology and IP owners get stronger IP protection, turn low value immature inventions into high value patents, reach fair deals with suitable licensees, and eventually receive financial rewards from commercializing their technologies and inventions. In addition to our whole process IP commercialization service, we also provide consulting on patentability and invalidation assessment, invention and patent commercial potential evaluation, patent competitive landscape analysis, IP strategic planning, patent portfolio management, technology marketing, IP valuation, license and option contract negotiation, startup company formation, and other IP related services.